This is the SAUCE for Chinese restaurant style sesame chicken and broccoli. This sauce can be poured over fried chicken, or used as a dipping sauce for...
Drain some low-fat yogurt overnight to make this yummy cucumber dressing. This is a delicious topping for grilled chicken or meat. It's also a great dip...
This is the best horseradish sauce I have come up with, I've never tasted a better one! It's the perfect blend of creamy, spicy, and flavorful. This is...
Fresh mint leaves are steeped with sugar and water to create a minty fresh sweet syrup to add a refreshing lift to cocktails, mocktails, pastry glazes,...
This is a sort of pickled cabbage that makes a great, sharp, appetizer. Or it can also be added into other recipes. There is no need to cook the cabbage,...
I have tried a few different recipes for sweet and sour sauce from this site and from other cookbooks and none of them ever seemed to be quite right, so...
The beauty of this chicken Alfredo is that it's done in less than thirty minutes, ingredients are minimal, and there is only one pan to wash! The thinly...
This tastes so much like honey, your friends will never believe that the bees did not make it. Great on hot biscuits and to give as gifts. This was my...
This is a deliciously light and fresh-tasting twist on cucumber tomato salad. It takes me to the water's edge, and begs to be served with fresh seafood....
This is my new and improved version. And by 'new and improved,' I mean 'old and secret.' Here is my top-secret formula. The next time you're making homemade...
Make this up in advance for sourdough pancakes. I used Celestial SeasoningsĀ® tea. Substitute water for tea if you don't have it on hand. Chopped pecans...
I googled all the sites looking for a blackberry jalapeno jelly, to NO avail; all I could find was everyone looking for this recipe. Well...I spent the...
I decided I wanted to attempt to make apple butter for the first time, so I searched everywhere for a recipe. There were so many to choose from, that I...
Zanahorias en escabeche are those delish tangy, spicy carrots served alongside your favorite dishes at taquerias. They are easy to make and delicious to...
I love this tangy, sweet salad dressing! Great on any green salad, but especially good on a salad of mixed greens, dried cranberries, and toasted walnuts...
These old-fashioned deli-style pickles are created entirely by fermentation, without the use of vinegar. This recipe produces a quantity that fills a half-gallon...
My daughter is vegetarian so I came up with this alternative to hot bacon dressing for spinach salad. This is great if there are vegetarians at your table....
This is better than the relish you buy in the store. I can't keep it on my shelf. I have the town asking for this relish. And I'm not a big fan of relish...
This is one of my favorite 'cheap meal' recipes that I learned from my Southern cookin' Dad. Creamy hamburger gravy with just the right blend of spices...
This is a recipe my grandma made for years and she never wrote it down until I was learning how to make it. It is a sweet meat sauce. I love it and just...
This dressing is lovely yellow color, and we use it on a mixed green salad (mixed Romaine and European greens), tossed with small broccoli and cauliflower...